2016年12月18日 星期日

Foreign Affairs (外交事務): 讓台灣叫台灣

Taipei's Name Game  It's Time to Let Taiwan Be Taiwan  / Salvatore Babones
先是打電話,然後是炸彈。 122日,唐納德·特朗普借台灣總統蔡英文十分鐘的賀電,扭轉了37年的美國外交政策。昨天,他進一步,宣布他不知道“為什麼我們[美國]必須受一個中國政策的約束,除非我們與中國有關的其他事情,包括貿易。
當時,台灣仍然是一個鎮壓的一黨制國家,但在未來20年,它和平地轉變為一個充滿活力的自由民主。但是儘管取得了這些進展,仍然沒有一個獨立的國家稱為“台灣”。 Ts族島仍然是中華民國(ROC)。中國大陸指的是台灣,正式認為它是一個叛逆的省,但實際上它像一個外國。世界貿易組織稱之為“台灣,澎湖,金門和馬祖(中國台北)的獨立海關領土”。美國使用台灣這個名稱,並希望與台灣政府保持強有力的非官方關係然而,當美國國務院發言人今年早些時候意外地打電話給台灣一個國家時,它被認為是一個主要的長期。
具有諷刺意味的是,中國對南海的主張大部分是基於台北在台灣以南900多英裡處有爭議的太平島(也稱為Itu Aba)擁有廣泛的設施。但是在2016712日,“海洋法公約”海牙常設仲裁法院裁定該島是一個岩石,因此賦予其最低限度的領土權利。即使台灣不是“海洋法公約”的締約國,也應該尊重這一裁決,退出太平島,使岩石恢復到自然狀態。這樣做會贏得整個地區的朋友,中國不能很好地抱怨台灣撤軍。

Taipei's Name Game
It's Time to Let Taiwan Be Taiwan
First the phone call, then the bombshell. On December 2, Donald Trump reversed 37 years of American foreign policy by taking a ten-minute congratulatory phone call from Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen. Yesterday, he went further, announcing that he doesnt know why we [the United States] have to be bound by a One China policy unless we make a deal with China having to do with other things, including trade.
Trumps official position is still unclear, but his comments indicate that on the issue of Taiwan, he may favor changing a status quo that has persisted for nearly four decades. The current version of the United States One China policy, which holds that there is only one legitimate government of China, dates to 1979, when the United States recognized the communist government in Beijing while breaking off formal diplomatic ties with the nationalist government in Taipei.
At the time, Taiwan was still a repressive one-party state, but over the next 20 years it peacefully transformed itself into a vibrant liberal democracy. But despite this progress, there is still not a independent country named "Taiwan." The island Tsai governs stillcalls itself the Republic of China (ROC). Mainland China refers to it as Taiwan and officially considers it to be a renegade province, but in practice treats it like a foreign country. The World Trade Organization calls it the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu (Chinese Taipei)." The United Statesstill uses the name Taiwan and is open about its desire to maintain strong, unofficial relations with the government in Taipei. Nevertheless, when a U.S. State Department spokesperson accidentally called Taiwan a country earlier this year, it wasconsidered a major gaffe.
But what is Taiwan, then? Today, 70 years after the end of the Chinese civil war that separated the island from the mainland, it is time for the international community to settle this question. It is meaningless to perpetuate the myth that Taiwan is a province of China. Rather, it is time for Taiwan to become a normal country.
Of course, China may never accept Taiwans attempt to behave as a country like any other, and would certainly veto Taiwanese membership in the United Nations. But Beijing must know thatTaiwan is never coming back. Todays young Taiwanese have grown up in a free, open, and democratic society and are never going to vote to be governed from Beijing, especially after witnessing what has happened to Hong Kong. Their children and grandchildren will be even less likely to do so. Beijing waiting for Taiwan to peacefully join China would be like Pyongyang waiting for South Korea to peacefully join the North, and the mainland would not accept the costs of an attempted military solution.
By the same token, even if China never formally recognized Taiwan as a nation, it might begin to treat the island differently if Taiwan behaved more like a country. If Taiwan wants to be taken seriously, it must behave seriously. Renouncing its territorial claims in the South China Sea would be a good place to start. Like Beijing, Taipei maintains a flimsy claim to sovereignty over the entire South China Sea, based on the premise that it is the rightful claimant of Chinas maritime territory.
If Taiwan wants to be taken seriously, it must behave seriously.
Taiwans South China Sea claims are based on the infamous nine-dash line, a rough sea boundary first drawn on Chinese maps in 1947. The line illustrated the expansive claims over the waters, islands, and seabed of the South China Sea made by the ROC, which at the time was in control of the mainland. When the communists won the Chinese civil war, they adopted the nine-dash line as the basis of their own claims, and today both China and Taiwan maintain that the entire South China Sea belongs to themthat is, to the real China.
Ironically, much of China's claim over the South China Sea is based on the fact that Taipei maintains extensive facilities on Taiping Island (also known as Itu Aba), a disputed feature more than 900 miles south of Taiwan. But on July 12, 2016, the UNCLOS Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague ruled that the island is a rock and therefore affords its holder minimal territorial rights. Even though Taiwan is not a party to UNCLOS, it should respect this ruling, withdraw from Taiping Island, and return the rock to its natural state. Doing so would earn it friends throughout the region, and China can't very well complain about a Taiwanese withdrawal.

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