2016年12月8日 星期四



Ajin 開口)

季辛吉的"聯中制俄" ,詐騙了世界40多年,培養出橫霸全球的中華恐龍,如今這學說已經徹底壽終正寢入殮了。川普明顯採對撞路線:"聯俄制中"

埃克森美孚首席執行長Rex Tillerson進入了特朗普的國務卿候選人名單。他是一位經驗豐富的交易撮合人,與俄羅斯總統普京等國際領導人關係密切,如果他成為國務卿,或將重新定義美國的海外利益。

Putin calls Trump a smart man and backs him on Taiwan controversy
發佈時間:201112506:56 GMT


鑑於美國自20世紀70年代後期以來一直奉行一個中國的政策,認為台灣或中華民國 - 122日特朗普 - 蔡氏電話對話後,北京的反彈預計是因為談判無視外交協議,作為中國的一部分。
儘管如此,來自俄羅斯的不尋常的支持已經令人驚訝。 “特朗普是一個商人和企業家,今天他已經是一個國家演員,已經是美利堅合眾國的領導者,世界領先的國家之一,世界領先的經濟體,領先的軍事力量之一。
他補充說,“當然,我指望聯合部隊與美國在與真正的,沒有發明的國際恐怖主義的威脅的戰鬥,”他說,美國支持敘利亞反叛部隊,試圖推翻總統巴沙爾 - 阿薩德的政權。


Putin calls Trump a smart man and backs him on Taiwan controversy
Trump attracted China's ire by talking directly to Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen and defying diplomatic conventions.
By Ananya Roy       December 5, 2016 06:56 GMT 
Donald Trump risks tensions with China in unprecedented talk with Taiwan Wochit
Russian President Vladimir Putin has come out in support of US President-elect Donald Trump as the latter was tagged "inexperienced" by China. On Sunday (4 December), Putin said that Trump is a clever man and he will learn the nuances of diplomacy soon.
Beijing had earlier expressed concerns over the incoming US president for engaging in direct talks with Taiwan's Tsai Ing-wen. China warned Trump against forging separate ties as this could jeopardise relations between the Asian country and Washington.
The backlash from Beijing after the Trump-Tsai telephonic conversation on 2 December was expected as the talks were in defiance of diplomatic conventions given that the US has maintained a one-China policy since the late 1970s, recoginising Taiwan or the Republic of China as part of China.
Nonetheless, the unusual support from Russia has come as a surprise. "Trump was a businessman and an entrepreneur. Today's he's already a state actor, already head of the United States of America, one of the world's leading nations, one of the world's leading economies, leading military powers.
"He could achieve success in business, which says that he's a smart man. And if he's a smart man that means that he'll fully and quickly enough realize this different level of responsibility. We expect that he will act with this perspective in mind," Putin told Russia's NTV in an interview.
The Guardian quoted Putin as telling lawmakers and officials at the Kremlin that they are ready to "cooperate with the new American administration". He said: "It's important to normalise and start to develop our bilateral relations on an equal and mutually beneficial basis."
In the interview, Putin also said that he wanted to leave all bitter disagreements, economic sanctions and conflicts over issues like Syria and Ukraine behind and mend ties with the incoming US administration. He noted that he wanted to work closely with Washington in the Middle East and insisted that Western powers must listen to what governments in Russia and the Middle East have to say.
Russian president Vladimir Putin has came out in support of Trump, who is facing China's ire for defying diplomatic conventions and engaging in talks directly with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen
"They listen to those whose voices are loud enough to be heard. And if it's some insignificant issue in international relations, then, of course, you can save face. But the game will still turn out poorly with regard to those who were not considered important enough partners," Putin stressed.
"Of course I am counting on joining forces with the United States in the fight with the real, not invented, threat of international terrorism," he added, referring to the US' support to Syrian rebel forces who are trying to topple President Bashar al-Assad's regime.
Russia is helping the Assad regime win back areas captured by rebels.

3 則留言:

  1. 川普大概不會以北約的退讓作為籌碼(也許是你們自己喬,德國不算小弟了,棕熊要擋住北極熊西進應該夠力);美國對俄可供交換的籌碼太多了,而且遠比對中國的顧忌少得多。

  2. 即使自由民主國家的經濟政策都難免帶有政治目的,更何況是共產國家。普丁不是傻瓜,尤其他自己是共黨核心出身的,必然清楚對共黨來說更沒有所謂純經濟這回事。一路一帶說的好聽,其實只要翻開地圖,就知道是在幹嘛!一帶(絲綢之路經濟帶)是一劍插向R的心臟,一路(21世紀海上絲綢之路)是一刀砍向A的八肚邊。能想出這點子的人大概也是非等閒之輩,問題就出在C好大喜功和凡事喜歡敲鑼打鼓的惡習。在國際間,權力競逐是一種非常敏感的東西,每個國家的掌舵者對於國際間任何權力變化,那怕只是一種徵兆,也能感覺得到,這是人處在掌舵者位子時必然會有的本能。AR的掌舵者對C的這種大動作豈能無感!

  3. 喜歡敲鑼打鼓,因為觀眾喜歡看;怕下台,只好繼續耍寶。

