2016年10月24日 星期一


In the year 2525

(Google 翻譯)


“公元2525年(Exordium和終點)”是由美國流行搖滾二人組丹尼斯·澤格和理查德·埃文斯1969年的熱門歌曲。它在1969712日開始的Billboard Hot 100上達到了第一名。這首歌是1964年由Rick Evans撰寫和創作的,最初於1968年在一個小型區域唱片公司(Truth Records)上發行。

一年後,敖德薩,德克薩斯州,廣播電台普及的光盤,RCA記錄迅速拾起在全國分佈。 “公元2525,六個星期在1969年的熱100上打出第一名。

ZagerEvans是林肯,內布拉斯加州,20世紀60年代末和20世紀70年代初的搖滾流行音樂二重奏,以其兩名成員Denny ZagerRick Evans命名。扎克和埃文斯在內布拉斯加衛斯理大學見面,他們與鼓手丹尼·辛德勒(後來的彎者)在內布拉斯加州的偏心圈,直到迅達的旅遊越南在1965年加盟。

作為扎克和埃文斯,二人支持馬克Dalton,也是內布拉斯加州的本地人,在低音。他們的第一個鼓手Paul Maher後來被另一個內布拉斯加州的Dave Trupp取而代之。 TruppDalton也是流行的解放藍調樂隊的節奏部分,並支持埃文斯在一些獨奏演示材料之前,Zager和伊万斯的“公元2525年”在1968年的紀錄。

“公元2525年,與伊万斯的歌詞, Zager的音樂,警告說技術的危險,描繪了一個未來,其中人類被自己的技術和醫療創新毀了。這首歌的最後一節表明人類經歷了一個持續的出生,死亡和重生的循環

"In the Year 2525 (Exordium and Terminus)" is a hit song from 1969 by the American pop-rock duo of Dennis Zager and Richard Evans. It reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 for six weeks commencing July 12, 1969. The song was written and composed by Rick Evans in 1964 and originally released on a small regional record label (Truth Records) in 1968.

A year later, an Odessa, Texas, radio station popularized the disc, which RCA Records quickly picked up for nationwide distribution. "In the Year 2525" hit six weeks number one spot on the Hot 100 in 1969.

Zager & Evans was a Lincoln, Nebraska, rock-pop duo of the late 1960s and early 1970s named after its two members, Denny Zager and Rick Evans. Zager and Evans met at Nebraska Wesleyan University, and they were joined by drummer Danny Schindler (later of the Benders) in the seminal Nebraska band the Eccentrics, until Schindler's tour of Vietnam in 1965.

As Zager and Evans, the duo were backed by Mark Dalton, also a Nebraska native, on bass. Their first drummer, Paul Maher, was later replaced by another Nebraskan, Dave Trupp. Trupp and Dalton were also the rhythm section in the popular Liberation Blues Band and backed Evans on some solo demo material prior to Zager and Evans's recording of "In the Year 2525" in 1968.

"In the Year 2525", with lyrics by Evans and music by Zager, warned of the dangers of technology, portraying a future in which the human race was destroyed by its own technological and medical innovations. The last stanza of the song suggests mankind undergoes a continuing cycle of birth, death and rebirth.

2 則留言:

  1. 人工智慧廣泛的定義應該可以包括所有人類的發明,所以不是從PC或電晶體開始,甚至古老的風車也是自動化過程的一環,這些可以看成是bottom-up,或 micro-intelligence。而當這些發明進步到最先進的沙皇Tsar Bomba,也就是一個沙皇或川普就可以trump the world,當人類無法再信任自己所做出的決定時,人類必須發明更聰明更有智慧的機器來幫助自己決定policy, hence the arrival of top-down 或 macro-intelligence or AI, 幫忙控制人類及其發明,最後這個世界不再需要人類,探索太空時太空船裡面只需機器人而不是homo sapiens,人的角色越來越小直到消失不見。

    1. 一旦機器人也可以思考,也有數位化的感情,恐怕都會有一場Homo Sapiens 與 Robots 之間的大戰咧。

