2016年12月22日 星期四


(Ajin 開口)

感謝Baobab大大報碼底下這篇精采文章,刊登在Foreign Policy 雜誌上。文章內容主要是建議川普老大要學印度如何玩北京一中,玩到北京無法對印度耍任何脾氣,也不感發作,還得規矩地和印度交往。


台灣應該加緊和印度來往,印度非常需要台灣的經貿,民生工業,和現代化技巧; 台灣也非常需要印度的市場和電腦軟體科技,兩國應該可以非常好的合作。若有朝一日,印度決定和台灣建交,北京一點鳥辦法也沒有,連屁也不敢放啦!



DECEMBER 20, 2016
一個中國的挑釁比其他的更深。 2010年,北京否認簽證給B.S.賈斯瓦爾因為他擔任印度軍事指揮官在克什米爾的領導,這是中國的“全天候朋友”巴基斯坦聲稱擁有長期爭議的領土。中國多年來一直與印度一起使用領事機構 - 為印度克什米爾和阿魯納恰爾邦的居民簽發單獨的獨特簽證,作為對印度主權的非正式挑戰 - 但是拒絕給予Jaswal的簽證令人沮喪。
新德裡的反應是不具特色的迅速和懲罰,暫停所有形式的雙邊軍事關係和聯合演習。201012月中國總理溫家寶訪問新德裡時,印度首次在與中國的聯合聲明中拒絕承認一個中國政策。新德裡北京表示,如果希望印度對一個中國政策同意,就必須承認印度對克什米爾和阿魯納恰爾邦的主權。 “球在他們的法院。毫無疑問,“當時外交部長Nirupama Rao解釋道。
最近,新德裡授予達賴喇嘛允許在2017年初訪問阿魯納恰爾邦,這是一個在過去吸引中國人的舉動。也許最令人驚訝的是,今年10月新德裡授予美國駐印度大使Richard Verma訪問敏感的,中國要求的,在阿魯納恰爾邦的Tawang鎮。就在上週,印度總統普拉納布•穆克吉在印度總統府主持了達賴喇嘛,蔑視北京的抗議外交照會。在一個罕見的舉動,它甚至提出幫助蒙古最近由北京施加的天氣貿易制裁作為蒙古11月主辦達賴喇嘛的懲罰。這些都沒有導致北京的任何直接懲罰性反應。
如果特朗普 - 蔡氏交易所是一個微妙的,校準的戰略的一部分,旨在減少中國對戰略模糊的近乎壟斷和它在奧巴馬政府期間抓住的主動權,它最終可以產生美國,中國,和台灣。
另一方面,如果特朗普 - 蔡氏交流在以台灣為壓力點對中國採取更加不加區別的報復態度之前,特朗普的團隊應該準備好一系列潛在的波動,危險和不可預測的中國反應

New Delhi has been poking at Beijing's One-China Policy for years without wrecking the relationship

DECEMBER 20, 2016
Donald Trumps decision to break protocol and become the first president-elect in decades to speak by phone with a Taiwanese president was either a colossal blunder or a shrewd strategic coup, depending on which Beltway insider you ask. At the least, Trumps divisive exchange with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen has sparked a substantive debate about the nature of U.S.-China-Taiwan relations and the sanctity of Beijings version of the One-China policy, which codifies Chinas inalienable sovereignty over Taiwan and Tibet.
Yet, as Washington braces for potential blowback from Beijing, both critics and supporters of the Trump-Tsai exchange have overlooked one key fact. In an era when global powers are shunning both Taiwanese and Tibetan leaders (like the Dalai Lama) under the weight of Chinese pressure, one country has been openly challenging Beijings One-China policy for more than six years: India.
Like many of Chinas neighbors, in the late 2000s India was still adjusting to the more assertive and nationalistic brand of Chinese foreign policy that emerged in 2008, when Beijings leaders interpreted the global financial crisis as symbolic of a great power shift from a declining West to an ascendant China. Bilateral ties were repeatedly tested by friction over Chinese incursions into India across their disputed border, Beijings efforts to block U.N. sanctions on Pakistan-based terrorists, and visits by the Indian prime minister and the Dalai Lama to the state of Arunachal Pradesh, most of which is claimed by China as South Tibet, among others.
One Chinese provocation cut deeper than the rest. In 2010, Beijing denied a visa to Lt. Gen. B.S. Jaswal on account of his posting as the head of Indias military command in Kashmir, the long-disputed territory claimed by Chinas all-weather friend Pakistan. China had been employing consular chicanery with India for years stapling separate, unique visas to Indian residents of Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh as an informal challenge to Indian sovereignty there but the denial of a visa to Jaswal struck a nerve.
New Delhis reaction was uncharacteristically swift and punitive, suspending all forms of bilateral military ties and joint exercises. When Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao visited New Delhi in December 2010, for the first time India refused to acknowledge the One-China policy in a joint statement with China. Beijing, New Delhi signaled, would have to recognize Indian sovereignty over Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh if it wanted Indias consent on the One-China policy. The ball is in their court. There is no doubt about that, explained Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao at the time.
Joint statements in the years to follow continued to omit the One-China policy, a position adopted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi when he assumed office in 2014. For India to agree on a one-China policy, China should reaffirm a one-India policy, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj declared before Chinese President Xi Jinpings first trip to New Delhi in September 2014. When they raised the issue of Tibet and Taiwan with us, we shared their sensitivities. They should understand and appreciate our sensitivities regarding Arunachal Pradesh.
China relented on the visa question two years after Wens visit, and military ties were restored shortly thereafter. More important, six years after Indias change of heart on One-China policy, it has suffered no discernable political or economic backlash that can be tied to the policy shift.
To be sure, Indias denial of the One-China policy is less emotionally and politically contentious for China than any shift in American posture toward Taiwan. In the context of China-India relations, the One-China policy mostly relates to Tibet and, to a lesser extent, their long-standing border dispute, in which more than 30,000 square miles of Indian territory is still claimed by Beijing.
In 1947, the Republic of India inherited from the British Raj an unsettled border with China and a series of special trading privileges with Tibet, including the right to station escort troops at specified trading posts. Ever since China peacefully liberated Tibet in 1950, it has been critical of Indian intentions on the plateau and sensitive to Indian interference there. That anxiety was amplified after the Dalai Lama fled a Chinese crackdown in 1959 and sought refuge in India, later establishing a Tibetan government in exile in Dharamsala. After China and India fought a monthlong war across their disputed border in 1962, Chinese leaders argued that the center of the Sino-Indian conflict was not the border dispute but a conflict of interests in Tibet.
Its notable, then, that beyond its broad refusal to endorse the One-China policy, New Delhi has given no indication that it plans to walk back its repeated reaffirmations of Chinese sovereignty over Tibet (much less Taiwan). On the other hand, Prime Minister Modi has adopted several initiatives short of that threshold to signal a more defiant posture on Tibet and the border dispute. Early in his tenure, for instance, Modi fast-tracked military and civilian infrastructure upgrades along the disputed Sino-Indian border, where Beijing has enjoyed a large and widening advantage.
More recently, New Delhi granted the Dalai Lama permission to visit Arunachal Pradesh in early 2017, a move that has drawn Chinese ire in the past. Perhaps most surprising, this past October New Delhi granted U.S. Ambassador to India Richard Verma access to the sensitive, Chinese-claimed town of Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh, another first. And just last week Indian President Pranab Mukherjee hosted the Dalai Lama at Indias Presidential Palace, blithely dismissing Beijings protesting diplomatic note. In a rare move, it even offered to help Mongolia weather trade sanctions recently imposed by Beijing as punishment for Mongolias hosting of the Dalai Lama in November. None of this has resulted in any direct punitive response from Beijing.
Its not just Tibet, either. Since the visa denial incident in 2010, India has witnessed a marked acceleration in its outreach to Taiwan, including hosting several Taiwanese government ministers in 2011; signing new agreements on double taxation avoidance, cultural cooperation, and mutual degree recognition; permitting a former Taiwanese president and vice president transit layovers in 2012 and 2014, respectively; and inviting a former Taiwanese official to address two high-profile international conferences this year. These moves have yet to draw any sharp response from the mainland.
What does Indias approach to the One-China policy tell us about the Trump-Tsai phone call? Namely, that questioning the sanctity of the One-China policy is not necessarily a death sentence with Beijing, especially when the challenges are indirect and inexplicit. To date, Chinas muted response to the phone call supports that assessment.
To Beijings mandarins, Modi represents an unfamiliar commodity: a confident, assertive, nationalist Indian leader with a surplus of political capital. The same is even truer for Trump, who, for China, remains shrouded in a cloak of uncertainty and unpredictability. Chinas leadership isnt nearly as confident that it can predict Trumps response to each move on the regional chessboard, compared with Barack Obamas more calculable style, and is naturally inclined to proceed cautiously. After years of testing the red lines of its neighbors and Washington as well, Beijing is not nearly as comfortable being on the receiving end.
If the Trump-Tsai exchange was part of a nuanced, calibrated strategy designed to diminish Chinas near-monopoly on strategic ambiguity and the initiative it seized during the Obama administration, it could eventually produce a more balanced trilateral relationship between the United States, China, and Taiwan.
If, on the other hand, the Trump-Tsai exchange precedes a more indiscriminately vindictive posture toward China using Taiwan as a pressure point, Trumps team should be prepared for a wide range of potentially volatile, dangerous, and unpredictable Chinese responses.
As a party to more than a dozen meetings in Beijing and Washington with Chinas current Taiwan affairs minister, Zhang Zhijun, and to numerous exchanges on Taiwan with some of Chinas senior-most diplomats, I find it difficult to overstate the intensity and seriousness Beijing devotes to Taiwan and its status. It is far more sensitive to changes in Americas posture on One-China policy than India, partly because China has never felt particularly threatened by Indian power, and partly because its leadership has more directly linked its legitimacy to the reunification of Taiwan than to any issue related to Tibet.
That doesnt mean Washington should compromise its values under threat of Chinese coercion: I believe the U.S. president should reserve the right to speak to whomever he likes and at the time of his choosing, whether thats Taiwans president or the Dalai Lama.
Trump and his team appear to have reclaimed that right and, thus far, to have moved the needle on Taiwan without destabilizing ties with China. But for this to be remembered as a shrewd strategic coup, they will have to walk a fine line in creating a new balance in trilateral relations not only more favorable to U.S. and Taiwanese interests but stable enough to prevent an unnecessary war with China in the Western Pacific.
Photo credit: AFP/Stringer

8 則留言:

  1. 無獨有偶,今天自由時報居然也刊登印度發出同樣信息,希望與台灣建立更緊密的關係。印度評論網站建議,印度總理莫迪應該像川普看齊,主打台灣牌。

    〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕印度評論網站《DailyO》最近也發表社論,認為美國準總統川普現在選擇打「台灣牌」,建議印度總理莫迪(Narendra Modi)也應該向川普學習,與台灣建立更緊密關係。

    《DailyO》資深記者麥潛德(Minhaz Merchant)19日發表評論,他提到美國總統歐巴馬8年執政,最大的失敗是沒有處理好兩岸的政治關係。



    他強調,台灣是中國的軟肋(soft underbelly),川普可能提升對北京的經濟與外交壓力,莫迪也應該適時打出台灣牌。

    原文: Why Taiwan is China’s soft underbelly — and that's good news for India With Trump dialling Taipei, it's the right time for Modi to reach out to Beijing’s single greatest adversary.


    1. 台商已經過去好幾年了!

    2. 甭提了,只要大家在繼續拋指導旗幟給小英政府,她或許才會感到印度角色的重要。



    3. 扁的時代就有在推。

  2. 美國政治很像阿扁時代時對某些人而言,lower caste 變成 upper caste,評論政治時就瘋了,不是 fake news 也不是 post-truth,是 can't handle the truth,and locked him up too. 現在川時代是馬時代,用的人才也同樣面向,從國內觀點看。

    1. Did Chen welcome illegal residents? Did Chen create much higher debts? Did Chen receive media's favorable coverage? If those factors are ignored, some statements really demonstrates how a person can't handle the truth.

  3. 回覆
    1. 這要給小英團隊幾響掌聲與彎半個腰。得分: B+


