2017年3月28日 星期二


許銘洲/編譯 2017-03-26 22:00

圖片/2011 Maulucioni繪圖//Wikimedia Commons
台灣英文新聞》(Taiwan News)發表一篇專文,名為「台中觀點,台灣民族大融爐:過去與未來的南島語族國家」(The View from Taichung: Taiwan as Melting Pot: the once and future Austronesian state)。內容述及台灣中研院歷史語言研究所與西班牙考古團隊,聯合於基隆港東北社寮地區和平島,針對350年以前西班牙要塞聖薩爾瓦多城(Fort San Salvador)附近墓園,進行的考古挖掘工作。目前初步發現,該墓穴的遺體,有歐洲人,台灣當地住民,以及可能被西班牙抓來台灣當奴隸的非洲人。
南島語族本來就是個「混種族群」的四處移居者;該族群從北方下來,抵達南方中國,並與南方民眾混雜居住,這些人概稱之為「南島族群」(Austronesian Peoples),跟台灣的原住民類似。數10年來,學界持續針對南中國,以及香港的「船民」(boat peoples)族群判讀問題爭論不休。一些學者認為,那些以船為家的「船民」,是原始南島語族所遺留下來的生活習性;而且人類歷史上,沒有其它族群是像他們這般以船為家過活。
作者特登在專文內容表示,當某些記者在報導中傳達台灣人是「中國漢族」一支;或是某記者人自認為擁有「台灣血統」觀點,都得以提供反省素材;結果他發覺這類口號,往往是空洞的「政治建構」,目的在於 蓄意宣誓其民族主義立場,此即:透過「中國人」的身份認同,讓他們自我感覺良好,用中台終將統一,而非台灣可能遭併吞的鴕鳥心態,來自我麻痺。另外,有些人宣稱,台灣與中國有深度「歷史連帶」關係;實際上這類觀點並不正確,台灣與中國漢族的關係,根本不到400年;台灣與南島語族的「經貿」與「移居遷徙」歷史網絡,則長達數千年之久;從台灣移居出去的南島語族,足跡範圍廣及半個地球,從東非的馬達加斯加,紐西蘭(詳見「紐西蘭毛利人是台灣人後裔確定了!」一文),以及美國夏威夷,都有相關口傳淵源以及語言遺跡。
許多南島語族在台灣所留下的刻痕,已經消失,或遭誤讀。例如,美國人類學者弗蘭克·貝薩克(Frank Bessec),1960年代曾在埔里鎮進行田野調查,他發現許多「漢人」婦女在農田工作,而男人卻不愛田間農事;該學者將該現象,歸諸於台灣從中國引入老舊的習俗傳統(譯註:恰恰相反,這正是埔里平埔人留存的母系社會特色,女人掌握主權,能者多勞。)另外,位於台中市北邊的大雅,一位作者朋友告訴特登指出,當地社區有一群民眾,將亡故家人埋藏在自家庭院;此為原住民文化遺存的迴響;過去台灣原住民習俗,會將亡者埋在自家房屋的地底下。另一位友人,也向作者表示,他與一位女性結婚,她的祖母曾向她提及一個失落意義的南島語用詞,這位祖母說她懂得如何發音,卻已不知其義。
The View from Taichung: Taiwan as Melting Pot: the once and future Austronesian state
By Michael A. Turton,Taiwan News, Contributing Writer
2017/03/24 09:34
International Business Times reported this week on the ongoing excavations at the cemetery near the site of the old Spanish fort on Hoping Island in Keelung harbor. The article observed: “The cemetery contains bodies from Europeans, local Taiwanese people and possibly people of African origin brought to the island as slaves.”
This little comment shines a sudden beam of light on the ethnic mélange that constitutes what today we call “Taiwanese”: the people of a nation whose genes come from everywhere on earth.
When Koxinga attacked Tainan, he brought a unit of Africans, former Portuguese slaves taken from South Africa who had come over to him in Macao. They served him with fierce loyalty and helped entice Africans in Dutch slavery to run away to Koxinga. They were known for their fighting prowess. Many of them took Han wives. After fighting for Koxinga they passed out of historical knowledge. Perhaps they remained in Taiwan, their genes slipping quietly into the local population.
The Dutch too made a few contributions, but it was the settlers from China who brought over their own complex ancestry and mixed with the indigenous people of Taiwan. “There are many Chinese men,” the old saying went, “but no Chinese women,” a variant of which runs that there are Chinese grandfathers, but no Chinese grandmothers. Incoming Chinese males acquired wives and land by intermarrying with the local aborigines.
These settlers were themselves a mix of people who moved down into southern China from the north, and mixed with the population of southern China, many of whom were Austronesian just like Taiwan’s aborigines. Indeed, scholars have been arguing for decades that the boat peoples of south China and Hong Kong may well be remnants of the original Austronesians, who were people of the boat like no other in human history.
Today people often note that Taiwanese men acquire Vietnamese wives as testimony to how multicultural Taiwan is, but Koxinga imported thousands of women from Vietnam and elsewhere in SE Asia for his female-short troops. Of course Vietnam was once part of the Austronesian cultural area, and the Vietnamese wives of today carry the genes of their Austronesian forebearers.
I often reflect on these facts when I read some reporter describing the people of Taiwan as “ethnic Chinese” or when people refer to themselves as having "Taiwanese blood." These ideas are vapid political constructs whose intent is overtly nationalistic: to claim a people is “ethnic Chinese” is to veer dangerously close to arguing that Beijing should be annexing them. Or when people write about Taiwan’s “deep historical links to China”, actually less than four centuries old, but ignore Taiwan’s thousands of years of historical links to Austronesian peoples and trade and emigration networks that spanned half the globe, from Madagascar to New Zealand and Hawaii.  
It is not a historical inevitability that Taiwan has deep trade links with China, but a complex accident of Dutch, Ming, and Qing imperialism. Rather, Taiwan is the cradle of a great seagoing expansion, and a longtime participant in southward-looking trade networks. The Qing era is a blip in time compared to that, but sadly, a blip in recent historical time.
The Austronesian roots of Taiwan, and the many peoples who have blended here, can provide the Tsai Administration with a rhetorical alternative to the “Chineseness” of Taiwan, one that can help reposition Taiwan toward southeast Asia: Taiwan, the once and future Austronesian nation. For the Austronesian influence on Taiwan is vast, leaving its mark in everything from the shapes of local communities and local place names, to food traditions and many customary practices.
Much of this has disappeared or been misidentified. For example, Frank Bessec, who did field research in the Puli area in the 1960s, writes of local “Han” whose women worked in the fields but whose men were averse to farmwork. He attributed that to an archaic practice brought over from China by the Han, but this arrangement is far more likely to be indigenous in origin. In Daya north of Taichung city, a friend tells me, there’s a group of families who bury their dead in the yard, an echo of the aboriginal practice of burying the dead beneath the house. A friend of mine married into a family who address their grandmother using an old aborigine term for her, and didn’t even realize it.
In the 19th century Chinese visitors to Taiwan marveled at the high status of women in aboriginal culture. Today we continue to marvel at the number of women in Taiwan’s political life, compared to the paucity of females in positions of power across the Strait. The long reach of aboriginal influence continuing down to the present day?
In some ways Tsai, herself part aborigine, is ideally positioned to posit Taiwan as an Austronesian ocean nation with its own identity, the heir to centuries of trade networks to the south and beyond. Yet Taiwan cannot begin the process of building an alternative Taiwanese image with a strong Austronesian base until it fully embraces its own aboriginal peoples and their struggle for lands and recognition. It must also recover, identify, and reconstruct the aboriginal influence on Taiwan culture, and present it in a way that makes it comprehensible to both locals and outsiders.
Taiwan, the once and future Austronesian nation? As Taiwan’s businesses find China ever more difficult and shift their factories to ancient Austronesian areas like Vietnam and Indonesia, as the current Administration pursues a policy of promoting trade links across the western half of the Austronesian expansion, it’s an idea out of time whose time has at last arrived.


