2016年12月10日 星期六

波士頓環球報: 就是一中一台!別再自欺裝蒜了!

波士頓環球報: 就是一中一台!別再自欺裝蒜了!
There is one China and one Taiwan. Lets all stop pretending otherwise.
特朗普在周五與電話預訂安排恭喜美國新任首席執行官蔡英文的電話幾分鐘,使外交政策建立崩潰模式。近40年來,美國總統或等候候任主席第一次直接與台灣同胞交談,許多方面的反應是歇斯底裡。 “這是外交政策的主要樞軸,沒有任何計劃,”推特給美國參議員克裡斯•墨菲的康涅狄格州。 “這就是戰爭的開始。
在外交上有一個創造性的小說的地方,但所謂的“一個中國”政策是一個很好的例子,它在幾年前失去了它的功效。有一段時間,北京和台北各自聲稱是中國大陸和台灣海峽的唯一合法政府。這在事實上是不正確的,但美國的決策者發現有用的假裝否則。因此,從1949年到1979年,華盛頓維持了中國合法政府在台北的外交魅力。 1979年,美國的立場在吉米•卡特(Jimmy Carter)無形的變化使北京成為“一個中國”的真正政府
在每一方面,台灣是一個主權,獨立,文明的國家。應該毫不猶豫地這樣說 - 不是由台灣,而不是由它的朋友。對北京的嘲笑應該在幾十年前結束。是的,特朗普對中國(和其他國家)的貿易修辭是可悲的,國會應該堅決抵制他的威脅,對中國出口商徵收關稅。但它應該堅定地支持特朗普正常化台灣和美國之間的關係。
“一個中國”的假裝已經過時了。一個正式的外交使團 - 不是公共汽車的“經濟和文化辦公室” - 應該代表華盛頓的台灣。美國和台灣高級官員應該受到兩國客人的歡迎。國務院應該推動台灣加入聯合國和其他國際機構。新總統和國防部長應該在明年年初在五角大樓一起出現,以確認美國對台灣防務的承諾 - 這是“台灣關係法案”35多年前規定的承諾 - 是堅定不移的。

There is one China and one Taiwan. Lets all stop pretending otherwise.
AS A CANDIDATE and a president-elect, Donald Trump has compiled a long list of follies, gaffes, and outrages. His phone conversation with Taiwans president isnt among them.
Trumps few minutes on the telephone Friday with Tsai Ing-wen, who phoned by prearrangement to congratulate the incoming US chief executive, sent the foreign-policy establishment into meltdown mode. For the first time in nearly 40 years, an American president or president-in-waiting had spoken directly with his Taiwanese counterpart, and the reaction in many quarters was hysteria. These are major pivots in foreign policy w/out any plan,” tweeted an alarmed US Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut. Thats how wars start.
In truth, wars are made more likely when the United States appeases powerful and dangerous aggressors at the expense of weaker but peaceful allies. For eight years, President Obama has largely pursued such a foreign policy, bending over backward to accommodate brutal regimes in Iran, Russia, Cuba while ignoring or abusing friends from Kiev to Aleppo to the prison cells of Havana. The result has been a world more violent, 
fanatic, and unstable.
For years, under presidents of both parties, Washington has gone along with Chinas demand that Taiwan be marginalized and embarrassed in the international arena. It is a shameful policy in its own right, and it retards American interests in the Far East by encouraging China to advance its goals through bullying and intimidation. If Trumps gesture last week signals that the United States will no longer collaborate in the snubbing of Taiwan, foreign-policy realists should be the first to applaud.
There is a place for creative fictions in diplomacy, but the so-called one-China policy is a good example of one that years ago outlived its efficacy. There was a time when Beijing and Taipei each claimed to be the sole legitimate government of both the Chinese mainland and the island across the Taiwan Strait. It wasnt factually true, but American policy makers found it useful to pretend otherwise. Thus, from 1949 to 1979, Washington maintained the diplomatic charade that Chinas rightful government was in Taipei. In 1979 the US position was reversed under Jimmy Carter; the fig-leaf became that Beijing was the authentic government of one China.
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In the wake of a savage civil war that left both mainland China and Taiwan ruled by dictatorial regimes vowing to destroy each other, Americas One China posture may have been defensible. But it has been 67 years since Chiang Kai-sheks flight to Taiwan, and his authoritarian regime is a dusty memory. Taiwan is now a free and democratic republic, a thriving nation in which human rights are protected, civil liberties enforced, and freedom of conscience guaranteed. It is a trustworthy American ally and our 10th-largest trading partner; its intentions toward China are those of a respectful and peaceable neighbor.
In every respect that matters, Taiwan is a sovereign, independent, civilized nation. There should be no hesitation about saying so not by Taiwan, and not by its friends. The kowtowing to Beijing should have ended decades ago. Yes, Trumps protectionist trade rhetoric toward China (and other countries) is deplorable, and Congress should staunchly resist his threats to impose choking tariffs on Chinese exports. But it should just as staunchly support Trump in normalizing relations between Taiwan and the United States.
The One China sham is obsolete. A full-fledged diplomatic mission not a back-of-the-bus economic and cultural office should represent Taiwan in Washington. High-level American and Taiwanese officials should be welcomed as guests in both countries. The State Department should press for Taiwans admission to the UN and other international bodies. The new president and defense secretary should appear together at the Pentagon early next year to confirm that Americas commitment to Taiwans defense a commitment mandated by the Taiwan Relations Act more than 35 years ago is unwavering.
No more fig leaf. Beijing may be the sole legitimate government of China, but China stops at the Taiwan Strait. There is one China and one Taiwan. Lets all stop pretending otherwise.

1 則留言:

  1. 套用川普的語法︰有趣的是,如果蔡英文不叫台灣總統,難道她是「中國總統」?

