2013年10月31日 星期四


(Ajin 開口)
華府的American Enterprises Institute,類似許多智庫,如:Asian Society, Peterson Economic Institute Brookings - - - - - 都是猶太資金全力出資支持的研究機構,也都與季辛吉老大麻吉。
1.北京利用美軍設在新竹山頂的雷達站 (PAW) 掃描大陸彈道導彈,來搜索美國海軍艦艇在太平洋的動態。
4.控制Itu Aba,是南海的南沙群島中最大的島嶼,將加強中國在海島的要求。胰島也有一個正常運作的飛機跑道,在有爭議的水域提供另一個軍事基地。
全篇文章的關鍵在最後結語:The bottom line is that Taiwan can’t fall off the strategy-making table. Tactics that encourage Taiwan to remain politically less “Chinese” are necessary for U.S. security in Asia.

Taiwan is Moving Closer to China, So Why Isn't the U.S. Freaking Out?
By Shannon Mann  October 23, 2013
The Obama administration’s promises to deepen economic and military ties with allies in the Asia-Pacific region have fallen flat in light of budgetary realities. Defense cuts totaling nearly $1 trillion over the next decade, and the necessity of focusing diplomatic and military attention on the Middle East, most notably Syria, exposed the gap between the White House’s unrealistic expectations and the reality of limited resources. The U.S. Pacific Command and U.S. Air Force are decreasing troop numbers and cutting exchanges with key allies in the region, revealing to our allies that the U.S. is losing the ability to project power in multiple spheres.
Perhaps no other ally is left more vulnerable from the U.S. withdrawal than Taiwan. In the last five years, Beijing has used its influence to dissuade other countries from signing trade agreements with Taiwan. As the number of trade alliances in Asia exploded, Taiwan was not included in any of the 40 regional trade agreements. An export-driven economy, Taiwan can’t afford to be marginalized. Coupled with the U.S. inability to fully rebalance to Asia, Taiwanese President Ma was left no option but to sign a trade agreement with Beijing, a government that for decades has encouraged the island to assimilate.
In 2010, the People’s Republic of China and the government of Taiwan signed the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA). The ECFA will benefit Taiwan by opening up the mainland service sector to Taiwanese investment; lowering tariffs on 539 items, which account for 16% of total imports from Taiwan; and by making the island more attractive to foreign investors looking to use it as an access point into mainland China. By 2020 the ECFA could increase Taiwan’s GDP by 4.5% and employment by around 2.5%. At first glance, these gains are momentous but, in reality, Taiwan will experience economic benefits simultaneously with loss of political self-determination. Over time, the ECFA will put a straitjacket on Taiwan vis-à-vis China.
Taiwan’s investment in the mainland during 2010 accounted for 80% of its total foreign direct investment. In the same year, China was Taiwan’s largest export destination (28%) and second largest import source (14.2%), yet Taiwan is China’s fifth largest import source (8.3%) and exports to Taiwan only accounted for 1.7% of China’s total exports. This highlights Taiwan’s weak position at the bargaining table, one that will only continue to weaken now that Taiwan signed a trade agreement and fully inserted itself into the “China-centered” regional order.
While reducing barriers to trade serves an economic goal for Taipei, it serves a political one for Beijing. Chinese leaders have openly stated that deepening economic relations with Taiwan is part of an “embedded reunification” strategy. It does not help that 86% of goods Taiwan produces are industrial and therefore fungible. If conflict arises, Beijing can easily change to Japanese or South Korean producers. This would destroy the Taiwanese economy, which would be left flailing to find another market for semi-industrial goods.
Today, the American punditocracy believes that Taiwan’s reunification with China through intensifying economic reliance is inevitable. If Taiwan integrates with China, however, U.S. strategic interests in Asia will be greatly diminished, both for the U.S. and for our regional allies. As policy commentator John Tkacik advises, we need to form a military strategy that envisions an Asia in which Taiwan and Beijing work in unison. Although the Bush and Obama administrations unconsciously allowed Taiwan’s military to deteriorate as time and resources were pulled toward the Middle East, sophisticated weapons systems and basing structure remained. Should China reclaim Taiwan there are a number of deeply unnerving strategic advantages it would inherit:
1. Radar sites on Taiwan’s mountaintops scan the mainland for ballistic missiles, but China could use them to search for U.S. Navy ships in the Pacific.
2. Deep-water naval bases at Su Ao and Hualien would provide a safe haven for Chinese submarines in the deepest maritime trench in the Pacific.
3. Pratas Reef would provide the Chinese navy with a base equidistant from Hong Kong and Taiwan, and would extend China’s jurisdiction anther 200 miles towards the Philippines and contested waters in the South China Sea.
4. Control of Itu Aba, the largest islet in the South China Sea's Spratly Islands, would bolster China’s claims in the islands. The islet also has a functioning airstrip, providing another military base in contested waters.
5. Most significantly, the Taiwan Strait would become an inland waterway. Complete control of the strait would allow China to block Japan and South Korea’s access to vital Middle Eastern ports. It would also allow China to halt the average of 675 commercial ships that transit the strait each day.
Admittedly, Taiwan is not likely to pass a referendum in the near future, but since Taiwan’s increasing economic integration is strikingly clear, our next president needs to do everything in his power to ensure that political integration remains a far-off prospect. In past years, the White House reduced help offered to Taiwan through the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979. The Bush administration agreed to help Taiwan upgrade its F-16s, but this was a limited measure designed to avoid increasing tensions in the Washington-Beijing relationship. President Bush judged China’s military too weak to build up Taiwan’s military capabilities and President Obama has been unwilling to sell arms to Taiwan in hopes that China will become a responsible stakeholder in the international system. The U.S. government lost an opportunity to provide Taiwan with sufficient capabilities to maintain a military balance vis-à-vis China.
It is also interesting that after signing the ECFA, Taiwan was allowed to sign free trade agreements with other countries. In 2013, Taiwan concluded a free trade agreement with New Zealand. It is also currently in the midst of a productive trade negotiation with Singapore. While signing the ECFA might seem to have opened new trade possibilities for Taiwan, it is important to note that in these new free trade agreements, Taiwan is not acknowledged as a sovereign nation. Indeed, in the FTA with New Zealand, Taiwan is called the Chinese Taipei.

While these issues may seem secondary after 12 years of war in the Middle East, their importance remains undiminished, and even in the face of tremendous budget cuts, it is time to reevaluate our policy towards mainland China and Taiwan. Subsequent U.S. administrations should help Taiwan become a member of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) to decrease its economic reliance on China, as well as increase joint military training exercises. The bottom line is that Taiwan can’t fall off the strategy-making table. Tactics that encourage Taiwan to remain politically less “Chinese” are necessary for U.S. security in Asia.  

23 則留言:

  1. 最後的結語看不懂,可以麻煩老大解釋一下嗎?

    1. 其實關鍵是在 "politically less Chinese" 是說啥!



      但拿給Google翻:整句翻,有、沒有 ”less” 都一樣結果。

      但若僅翻三個字 “politically less Chinese”,或僅兩字 “less Chinese”,又會產生意想不到,非常驚訝的翻譯:。


  2. 翻成"在政治上, 少些中國化", 會不會比較好一些?

    1. 這樣翻的話,字面上說得通,但卻與本篇文章的題目出入很大囉!

      山姆不 freak out (不嚇壞了),縱容馬政權傾中,目的是為了少些中國化,邏輯上是碰壁的。

  3. 以前覺得台灣高山太多,平原耕地太少。

  4. 整篇看完還是看不出山姆大帝為何不嚇壞?

    1. 俺同感很大,整篇實在看不出來為何山姆大帝還一直處變不驚。就算題目用肯定句,內容還是兜不攏的!



      還有最後一個可能,就是:山姆大帝正設計著引鱉入甕,要誘導北京打出第一顆子彈。如此一來,就可以出師有名!最後這個理由是 Ajin 自己臉上貼金鞍上去的啦!

  5. 記得珍珠港?這麼巧航母都出去散歩?電碼不是已經破了?沒有餌要釣魚,也不是不可以,但有餌料,會簡單許多!除此還可以凝聚國內共識與同仇敵慨,羅斯福是這麼玩的,他的後輩呢?

    1. 先問,山姆真的敢與土龍玩騎馬打戰來個拼死活嗎?俺說,機率低於百萬分之一。為啥?山姆與無賴打架,未必打得贏。這從韓戰以來山姆對土龍的軍事態度就可以看出,只監視,不動手,除非不得已,但也絕對必須避免。此外,一個嬌生慣養的GI與一群整天不怕死的賴皮,誰願意打這種無底洞的架?就算打贏,也毫無辦法長久掌控,人那麼多,能怎辦?



    2. 我也覺得美國不打算真的打,但是為了防止中國坐大,必須培養代理人,北有日本,南有印度、澳洲。至於台灣,有也好,沒有也罷,反正在不正面對抗、也不全面圍堵的前提下,台灣的重要性僅止於情報收集站。

  6. 難道美國真的有兩種版本的台灣關係法?

    1. 謝謝資訊。廖東慶先生這篇算很完整的歷史回顧。

      他對將來的推論,是否能落實,難說!但處於what it is 與 what it should be,中間是有一條很大的鴻溝。俺倒是非常希望作者對白宮的寄望,是正確的,不要淪落成因自我安慰而夢幻是白宮將來政策的走向。或許還要加上一些國際與經濟因素,才能有更寬廣的視野。

  7. 其實中國人殺中國人遠多於殺外國人

  8. politically less Chinese = stay in the democratic world

    1. Brabo! Bravo! Bravo!



  9. 山姆打贏土龍能撈到什麼?又不能把人都殺了,把他們當奴隸?想要領導世界好像也不能這麼做,山姆為何要打土龍?一只美元就能要你縫衣作工了,何必打?

    1. 同意,因為確實山姆不想打土龍。所以從山姆的角度來看,打土龍得到啥好處,那是 barking on the wrong tree 的命題。

      關鍵不在山姆想如何,而是土龍在地球高速公路上橫衝直撞 (舉例?族繁啦!),不遵守公認的交通秩序,那山姆該怎辦?土龍說,交通秩序,誰定的?我有我中華特色的秩序,錯嗎?




  10. 好好當台灣人吧,當中國人被中國人殺,太呆了,只要殺戮侷限於中國,其他人最多只會以精神支援

  11. 有人看過日本媒體報導卡洛琳搭什麼艙等到日本嗎?駱家輝的點點滴滴為什麼頻頻出現於中國媒體?

