
2017年6月2日 星期五


Ajin 開口)


更精采的是,原來這些都在川普競選前已經和土龍京爺們有順暢管道交流,所有關節也都打通了,所以整個總統大選期間批判中國貿易嗜血,剝奪美國人工作 - - - 整個罵陣原來都是套好招的演戲,事實上是在賤售美國。


How Jared Kushner built a luxury skyscraper using loans meant for job-starved areas

By Shawn Boburg May 31 at 6:19 PM 


Jared Kushner如何用貧困地區的貸款建造豪華摩天大樓

豪華的50層住宅樓在後台由Kushner公司建造在65灣街,其合作夥伴位於澤西市蓬勃發展的濱水區。乘客在附近的輕軌站等候火車。 (雅各·帕斯科娃/華盛頓郵報)

JERSEY CITY - Jared Kushner和他的房地產合作夥伴希望在2015年利用聯邦計劃,這將節省數百萬美元,因為他們在這個充滿活力的50層樓的住宅樓在這個繁華的海濱區,正對著哈德遜河從曼哈頓下城。




戰爭 - 評論家們將其視為立法區的格言,似乎豪華塔在失業率非常高的地區,允許庫什納公司及其合作夥伴通過EB-5簽證獲得5000萬美元的低成本融資程序。


世界外聯基督教教會的Shyrone Richardson牧師在澤西城掙扎的卑爾根 - 拉斐特部分說:“太可惜了。 “不幸的是,從中受益的人不是這個地區的人。”



灣街大樓的公寓,以特朗普灣街市售,每月租金高達$ 4,700,並提供曼哈頓下城的全景。附近的通勤火車幾分鐘內便可到達世界貿易中心。根據人口普查數據,在大樓周圍大致三塊半徑的地區,2015年失業率僅為2.6%。

澤西城65號灣右岸的發展商使用投資者簽證計劃獲得5000萬美元的低成本融資。 (雅各·帕斯科娃/華盛頓郵報)

開發商將65灣灣與距離近四英里的低收入地區相聯繫,使其成為高失業地區。 (雅各·帕斯科娃/華盛頓郵報)


特朗普政府正在考慮是否採用可以阻止EB-5 gerrymandering的改造。庫什納表示,他將會從任何關於該計劃的討論中迴避自己。


這是你需要知道的這些簽證。 Monica Akhtar / The Washington Post


美國移民基金新澤西州的一名執行官,捍衛了這一做法,該公司幫助庫什納公司為兩個項目籌集EB-5資金。首席運營官Mark Giresi稱之為“常識”方法,反映了每個項目周邊環境的更廣泛的經濟現實。他還表示,該項目創造的工作可能只有幾英里外的沮喪地區的工人才能填補。





紐約大學斯特恩商學院的學者學者加里·弗蘭德蘭(Gary Friedland)說:“這些富裕地區的許多項目都將建成,而且沒有輸入EB-5資本就可以創造就業機會。 “因此,由於項目被剝奪了必不可少的資本,所以無法建造項目,造成的工作就會喪失。”

庫什納公司的發言人拒絕置評,Jared Kushner的發言人也表示。

Jared Kushner已經將自己的興趣賣給了“日刊廣場”,但在海灣街65號擁有所有權。灣仔豪華閣的合夥人KABR集團也拒絕置評。


在上週在澤西市的馬丁·路德·金大街採訪中,有一個共同的反應。 “這就像我們正在被使用,”Helen Gathers說,她是澤西市38年的註冊護士。

一名54歲的Laville Penn在禁區之後,在藥物持有定罪後於2016年初被釋放監獄,正在尋找工作。他說,他一直在尋找穩定的建設工作六個月以上,但只發現了臨時工作。

現在,希望拿起幾個小時,他停了很多朋友在做合同拆遷工作。賓夕法尼亞州說,澤西城建造的高樓通常是聯合工作。 “如果您沒有認證或經驗,進入工會是很困難的,”他說。

旅行者在哈德遜 - 卑爾根輕軌線路上等候火車,該線線路靠近65灣聖開發區。 (雅各·帕斯科娃/華盛頓郵報)

正在尋找建築工作的左派,左邊的建築工人史蒂文·費爾德(Steven Price)談到他們的澤西城社區。 (雅各·帕斯科娃/華盛頓郵報)




201556日,代表項目工作的顧問邁克爾·埃文斯(Michael K. Evans)向新澤西州勞工部的一名官員發了一封電子郵件,要求將灣街附近視為失業率高的地區。個別國家負責審查失業數據和發出信函,證明項目符合聯邦計劃資格。



國家核准的地圖共16個人口普查區,距離西南近四英里,穿越新澤西州收費公路,向南前往卑爾根 - 拉斐特和格林維爾地區。這些街區的平均失業率一直高於9.3%,當時的合格率。







Andrew Ba Tran為本報告做出了貢獻。在這個故事的數據分析中使用的文件和方法可以在這裡找到。

How Jared Kushner built a luxury skyscraper using loans meant for job-starved areas

By Shawn Boburg May 31 at 6:19 PM 

A luxury 50-story residential tower, in the background, built at 65 Bay Street by Kushner Companies and its partners is in a booming waterfront district in Jersey City. Passengers await a train at a nearby light rail station. (Yana Paskova/For The Washington Post)

JERSEY CITY — Jared Kushner and his real estate partners wanted to take advantage of a federal program in 2015 that would save them millions of dollars as they built an opulent, 50-story residential tower in this city’s booming waterfront district, just across the Hudson River from Lower Manhattan.

There was just one problem: The program was designed to benefit projects in poor, job-starved areas.

So the project’s consultants got creative, records show.

They worked with state officials in New Jersey to come up with a map that defined the area around 65 Bay Street as a swath of land that stretched nearly four miles and included some of the city’s poorest and most crime-ridden neighborhoods. At the same time, they excluded some wealthy neighborhoods only blocks away.

The tactic — critics liken it to the gerrymandering of legislative districts — made it appear that the luxury tower was in an area with extraordinarily high unemployment, allowing Kushner Companies and its partners to get $50 million in low-cost financing through the EB-5 visa program.
The move was legal, and other developers have used similar strategies in recent years, often aided by state officials who welcome the infusion of cash. But it illustrates how Kushner, who ran his family’s real estate company before he became a senior adviser to President Trump, and his partners exploited a loophole in a federal program that prominent members of both parties say has been plagued by fraud and abuse.

On the south side of Jersey City, which has some of the most entrenched poverty in the New York City region, many people interviewed one day last week were surprised that their neighborhood’s troubles were part of the reason that 65 Bay Street got cheap financing.

“That’s very sad,” said Pastor Shyrone Richardson of the World Outreach Christian Church in the struggling Bergen-Lafayette section of Jersey City. “Unfortunately, the people who are benefiting from this are not the people in this area.”

Richardson’s church is in a five-block area where nearly 1 in 5 were jobless and three fatal shootings occurred in 2015, according to an analysis of crime and census data.

His neighborhood seems a world away from the gleaming office towers and trendy cafes that surround 65 Bay Street. The Jersey City waterfront saw a building boom after 9/11 that transformed the area into one of the hottest real estate markets in the New York metro region, drawing residents from Manhattan and Brooklyn.

Apartments in the Bay Street building, marketed as Trump Bay Street, rent for up to $4,700 a month and offer sweeping views of Lower Manhattan. A nearby commuter train shuttles passengers to the World Trade Center within minutes. The area within a roughly three-block radius around the building had an unemployment rate of just 2.6 percent in 2015, according to census data.

The developers of Jersey City’s 65 Bay St., the tower on the right, used an investor visa program to obtain $50 million in low-cost financing. (Yana Paskova/For The Washington Post)

The developers linked 65 Bay St. to low-income areas, some nearly four miles away, allowing it to qualify as a high-unemployment zone. (Yana Paskova/For The Washington Post)

Under the EB-5 program, a wealthy foreigner can get a fast-track residence visa by investing at least $500,000 in a project in a “targeted employment area.” To qualify, the area must have an unemployment rate 1.5 times the national average. For developers, the terms of the investment are more favorable than a bank loan.

The Trump administration is considering whether to adoptchanges that would prevent EB-5 gerrymandering. Kushner has said he will recuse himself from any discussions on the program.

Kushner Companies, meanwhile, is rushing to raise $150 million in low-cost financing through EB-5 for a separate project in Jersey City: a pair of luxury towers in an area called Journal Square. Kushner’s sister caused a stir this month when she mentioned her brother in a pitch for the project to investors in China.

Here’s what you need to know about those visas. (Monica Akhtar/The Washington Post)

For that project, too, the company is linking the development to blighted neighborhoods miles to the south while excluding adjoining neighborhoods that have lower unemployment rates, records show.

An executive at U.S. Immigration Fund-NJ, a firm helping Kushner Companies to raise EB-5 money for both projects, defended the practice. Mark Giresi, chief operating officer, called it a “common sense” approach that reflects the broader economic reality of each project’s surroundings. He also said jobs created by the project could be filled by workers from the depressed areas only miles away.

“In large urban markets like Jersey City these types of real estate development projects create much-needed jobs, particularly in the construction industry across areas of the city that cover multiple census tracts,” Giresi said in a statement. Census tracts are government-defined neighborhoods, sometimes as small as a few blocks in area.

Giresi said the Bay Street project created more than 1,280 construction and other jobs and that 1 Journal Square is projected to create 6,600. Under the EB-5 program, each $500,000 investment must create at least 10 jobs.

The program’s critics say that cobbling together multiple census tracts to push up the average unemployment rate too often benefits developers and areas that do not need the government help. They point to EB-5 projects in prosperous areas of Manhattan, downtown Washington and in Beverly Hills, Calif.

The government caps the number of EB-5 visas it issues each year, and most of the resulting investment goes to high-profile projects in prosperous areas.

“Many of these affluent-area projects would have been built and jobs created without the infusion of EB-5 capital,” said Gary Friedland, a scholar in residence at New York University’s Stern School of Business. “Consequently, deserving projects can’t be built and the resulting jobs are lost because the projects are deprived of the essential capital to proceed.”

A spokeswoman for Kushner Companies declined to comment, as did Jared Kushner’s spokesman.

Jared Kushner has sold his interest in 1 Journal Square but maintains an ownership stake in 65 Bay Street. The KABR Group, a partner in the luxury tower on Bay Street, also declined to comment.

Kushner’s prominence is drawing renewed attention to the use of the EB-5 process to raise financing, which has been the subject of years of debate in Congress and furious lobbying by the real estate industry. A writer for the policy magazine City and State, which published the maps for both projects last week, wrote in a commentary that the projects made “a mockery” of EB-5’s intent.

In interviews along Martin Luther King Drive in Jersey City last week, there was a common reaction. “It’s like we’re being used,” said Helen Gathers, a registered nurse who has lived in Jersey City for 38 years.

Down the block, Laville Penn, a 54-year-old who was released from prison in early 2016 after a drug-possession conviction, was looking for employment. He had been searching for steady work in construction for more than six months, he said, but had found only temporary day jobs.

Now, hoping to pick up some hours, he stopped by a lot where a friend was doing contract demolition work. Penn said the high-rises built in Jersey City are typically union jobs. “It’s difficult to get into the union if you don’t have certification or experience,” he said.

Travelers await trains on the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail line, which runs near the 65 Bay St. development. (Yana Paskova/For The Washington Post)

Laville Penn, left, who is seeking a job in construction, and Steven Price, a construction worker, talk about their Jersey City neighborhood. (Yana Paskova/For The Washington Post)

The EB-5 program was initiated in 1990 to help attract foreign investment to rural and poor urban areas that have trouble drawing conventional financing or investment.

But developers are free to string together an endless number of contiguous census tracts until they reach the unemployment threshold. In the years since the Great Recession, this has often meant finding the nearest poor area and drawing a line to it.

Documents obtained from New Jersey through a public records request show just how easy that was for Kushner Companies and KABR Group as they sought to build the Bay Street tower.

On May 6, 2015, Michael K. Evans, a consultant working on behalf of the project, sent an email to an official in the New Jersey Department of Labor asking that the Bay Street vicinity be deemed an area with high unemployment. Individual states are responsible for reviewing unemployment data and issuing letters certifying that projects qualify for the federal program.

Evans wrote that such an area could be created by combining 26 census tracts in Jersey City that stretch more than two miles to the northwest and three miles to the southwest.

“The client as always is in a great hurry so if you can e-mail me the letter as soon as it is finished it would be appreciated,” Evans wrote. Evans did not respond to a request for comment.

There was a problem, though. Probably because the developers were using outdated census data, the tracts were not contiguous — and didn’t include the project itself.

Three weeks later, the state wrote back that the project qualified under a different but similarly attenuated configuration that achieved the same goal. New Jersey’s state website says it will help developers “perform a special tabulation for the area” of their project using census data.

The state-approved map strung together 16 census tracts that went nearly four miles to the southwest, crossing the New Jersey Turnpike and heading south to the Bergen-Lafayette and Greenville areas. Together, those neighborhoods had an average unemployment rate that edged just higher than 9.3 percent, the qualifying rate at the time.

That likely saved Kushner and his partners millions of dollars.

Developers typically pay only 4 to 8 percent interest annually on money raised through EB-5, experts said. Conventional financing can carry interest rates of between 12 and 18 percent. On the $50 million for Bay Street, the difference in interest charges amounts to millions of dollars annually over the life of the loan.

On Jan. 5, a little over two weeks before Trump was to take office, another consultant working on behalf of Kushner Companies got in touch with New Jersey state officials again. This time, it was about 1 Journal Square. The census tract where it is located had an unemployment rate of 2.9 percent in 2015, but the consultant suggested adding five neighborhoods to triple that unemployment rate.

The approval came four days later, records show. Kushner’s sister went to China in May seeking the $150 million in EB-5 financing.

The Trump administration will decide in the coming months whether to enact rules, proposed by the Obama administration, limiting the census tracts that can be considered for EB-5 eligibility to only those directly adjacent to the tract containing the development.

The proposal is being considered by Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly. Under the proposed rules, neither the 65 Bay Street tower nor the proposed 1 Journal Square project would be in a “targeted employment area.”

Andrew Ba Tran contributed to this report. The files and methodology used in the data analysis for this story can be found here.


