
2017年4月3日 星期一


America Can No Longer Afford to Leave Taiwan Out of Its China Policy
許多人說,改革開放以來事情發生了變化,有些事情發生了變化。最為重大的變化是,鄧小平以國家暴力取代了毛澤東的暴民暴力,這種暴力並不像瘋狂的那樣瘋狂,而且可以控制得更多。但更多的事情保持不變。國家仍然控制著各種形式的媒體,包括社交媒體。國家仍然對幼兒園到大專以上的教育施加控制。國家仍然要求孩子學習什麼,什麼不能學習。國家仍然禁止人們知道什麼,他們不知道什麼。國家升級互聯網,監測城市居民的一舉一動,一批巨魔支付審查每個不被國家批准的文章或單詞。國家仍然擁有所有的土地,人民只能在土地上租賃物業七十年,這與資本主義和土地所有權傳統的文化完全不同,數千年。政權對自己的人民使用國家暴力是殘酷和常規的;監禁往往是隨意的;流氓司法共同。中國共產黨決定家庭人數,通過監督月經週期的安全機構執行出生配額,迫使人們進行滅絕和墮胎,對不服從的人造成嚴重的罰款和家庭破壞。它是 - 而且是一種極權主義的工具,如此嚴重,如此野蠻,以至於它以前從未存在於世界其他地方。而且,中共的列寧主義制度與俄羅斯的中世紀農奴制比起中國的任何一種現代或中國的政治做法更為共同,也是無法改革的。所有的控制槓桿都牢固到位,任何極權主義或獨裁的做法,無論是嘗試還是未經批准,都可以隨意激活。
所謂的熊貓擁抱者在這個操縱和錯誤的環境中出現,自1971年以來一直主宰中國的政策。他們聲稱保衛和平是一個非常可疑的主張,因為中國沒有任何條件美國。中國在美國可能不需要作出任何讓步來修補關係,或進一步分裂中蘇聯盟,因為自1957年以來嚴重緊張,然後在進一步的邊界和意識形態衝突。然而,中國的知識在美國的精英中是如此驚人的缺陷,中國的國內現實根本沒有計算。 1979年終止台灣也是一個不必要的讓步。因此,熊貓擁抱者通過授予中華人民共和國最惠國待遇MFN)來彌補這一巨大的錯誤。將其重新定義為永久正常貿易關係(PNTR)仍然不能使正常豐富中國曾經遭受過的最野蠻暴政
二十年來,充分證明,使中共富人不能,也不能改變中共 - 只會使他們更傲慢,增加對美國貿易頭寸和全球貿易體系的傷害。提供中華人民共和國利益相關者的立場沒有表明自己的野心,只允許他們更好地獲得改變國際機構的規則和規範,並有充分的機會塑造美國文化領域和市場。而且,由於中國勞動力的規模和暴政實行人為的低工資和其他反勞動做法,中國經過不公平的競爭破壞了美國的製造業。中美雙方達成交易的百分比已經獲得了巨大的收益 - 現在兩國都有前所未有的億萬富豪。中國工人不僅被人為沮喪的工資劫掠,而且還剝奪了美國工人的良好就業機會來支持家庭。此外,許多美國人受到鴉片和處方藥流行的蹂躪,其中許多這些藥物從中國和其他國外進口。美國的許多小城鎮,一旦遏制和美國民主的支柱,現在在整個大陸景觀中都是孤獨而痛苦的。一些專家認為,貿易不會造成工作的損失,不能安撫或說服在家附近找不到工作的人,只會導致他們不信任專家。當他們工資低或沒有工資時,便宜的貨物對他們都不安慰。
所以精英們所做的這個大談判呢是自從亨利基辛格1971年中華人民共和國秘密訪問以來就是隱含的,並且是由詹姆斯·伍爾西(James Woolsey)在南華早報的一個選舉中明確的,美國祇要不挑戰現狀,就會接受中國的崛起​​,這不僅僅是白日夢,而且已經變得站不住腳了
熊貓擁抱者一再表示願意犧牲台灣。基辛格在不經過提示,要求或談判的情況下,與周恩來首次會晤時提出台灣。吉米·卡特和布比津斯基實際上交出了台灣關係法的必要性犧牲台灣,二千四百萬人民的成功民主,比澳大利亞稍微大的人口,一定會使中華人民共和國更強大,但不會使美國更美好或更安全。熊貓擁抱者不完全理解美國是民主嗎?他們渴望擁抱暴政,並沒有考慮過民主不能通過教唆暴政來改變暴政的性質的可能性更大;但事實上,這樣做會危及包括美國在內的所有民主國家。熊貓擁抱者違反了戰爭藝術的第一原則的兩個部分 - 他們對自己的自己也沒有足夠的了解,也沒有認識到自己的對手。
America Can No Longer Afford to Leave Taiwan Out of Its China Policy
The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, based on real historical figures, was one of the most epic and gripping novels ever written. It teaches the lessons of the Art of War (孫子兵法) better, and in an easier-to-understand form than Sun Tzu (孫子) himself in his famous treatise.
The romance of three states: China, the United States and Taiwan, is still very much an ongoing saga, and awaits a fuller treatment. This tale is even more epic, no less gripping and affects directly—and indirectly—nearly half of the population on earth.
Even though it has now become commonplace to acknowledge that China is the biggest challenge that the United States faces in the twenty-first century, the American foreign-policy establishment is still obsessed with Moscow as the implacable enemy; despite the fact that the PRC succeeds in preserving itself, while the USSR met its demise in 1991.
Why isn’t China taken more seriously by the American establishment? Partly it is because genuine knowledge of China remains shockingly deficient among America’s leaders, and many myths and cliches about China continue to hold sway. The first principle of the Art of War is “know thyself, know thy opponent.” Only when we are clear-sighted and realistic about ourselves and our opponents, can we come up with workable solutions.
China has long been misperceived by the West. For a long time, it didn’t matter; because China was far away, and it was in its own world. Few Western sinologists, until the late twentieth century, could speak Chinese, let alone read or write it. Since most in the West know even less about China than the sinologists, they could get away with knowing pitifully little, and being very often wrong without being challenged.
Western sinologists like to say that China has always been ruled by tyranny, so the current regime is simply a continuation of the past. Not true. Emphatically not true. China has never seen a tyranny as brutal, abusive, intrusive, controlling and lethal as the China’s Communist Party (CCP). Mao Zedong’s totalitarianism did not come from the Chinese tradition, and had not existed in China before in any form.
No rulers before Mao, and that includes the Mongol invaders, had ever ruled China by using mob violence; but Mao did, repeatedly and callously unleash lethal chaos. In fact, Mao caused more Chinese to die than all the previous invaders of China combined, and that includes the Japanese using modern weapons and heavy bombing of civilian population centers.
No previous rulers had even attempted to control every aspect of Chinese people’s lives the way the CCP did, and that includes where they lived, worked, traveled and earned a living; what they owned, bought, ate and used; how they thought, spoke, wrote, published and created art; whom they could marry, fraternize and associate with. During the Cultural Revolution, Chinese didn’t even have the right to remain silent.
Many have said that things have changed since the onset of “reform and opening.” Some things have changed. The most consequential change was that Deng Xiaoping had replaced Mao’s mob violence with state violence, which is not nearly as insane, and far more controllable, as the means to rule. But far more things have remained the same. The state remains in control of all forms of media, including social media. The state still imposes controls on education, from kindergarten to tertiary levels and beyond. The state still dictates what the children learn and what could not be learned. The state still proscribes what the people can know, and what they cannot know. The state has upgraded its internet to monitor every move of its urban residents, and an army of trolls paid to censor every post or word not approved by the state. The state still owns all the land, and the people can only lease properties on the land for seventy years—this is totally alien from a culture with a tradition of capitalism and land ownership going back thousands of years. The regime’s use of state violence against its own people is brutal and routine; imprisonments often are arbitrary; and miscarriages of justice common. China’s Communist Party decides the size of the family, enforces birth quotas with security agents monitoring menstrual cycles, forces people to get sterilizations and abortions, inflicts heavy fines and home destruction for those who disobey. It was—and is—a totalitarian instrument so gross and so barbaric that it has never existed anywhere else on earth before. Moreover, the CCP's Leninist system, which has more in common with Russia’s medieval serfdom than with any modern or traditional Chinese political practices, could not—and cannot—be reformed. With all its control levers firmly in place, any totalitarian or dictatorial practices, both tried and untried, can be activated at will.
The United States:
The three most influential books that had shaped for decades Americans’ perceptions of the CCP and China were Edgar Snow’s Red Star Over China, Theodore White’s Thunder Out of China and Barbara Tuchman’s Stilwell and the American Experience in China. These books were written by authors who did not know Chinese, had spent very little or no time in China, and were not familiar with Chinese politics, history and culture. In short, they were all prime prospects for manipulation, and they were—Snow by Mao, White by Zhou Enlai and Tuchman by ideologically committed American sinologists.
It is in this manipulated and misinformed milieu that the so-called “panda-huggers” emerged, and have dominated China policy since 1971. They claim they have preserved peace—a very dubious claim, since China was not in any condition to fight the United States. The PRC was so weak and ravaged at the time that the United States probably didn’t need to make any concession to mend relations, or to divide further the Sino-Soviet alliance, badly strained since 1957, and then on the edge of further border and ideological clashes. Yet, the knowledge of China was so shockingly deficient among America’s elite that the domestic reality of the PRC did not come into their calculations at all. The derecognition of Taiwan in 1979 was also an unnecessary concession. The panda huggers have since compounded this monumental error by granting the PRC Most Favored Nation Status (MFN). Renaming it as Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) still doesn’t make it “normal” to enrich the most barbaric tyranny China ever had.
Two decades on, it has been amply demonstrated that making the CCP rich didn’t and couldn’t change the CCP—it has only made them more arrogant, and increased the harm they could do to the U.S. trade position and the global trading system. Offering the PRC “stakeholder” positions has not stated their ambition, it has only allowed them better access to change the rules and norms of international institutions, and ample opportunities where they could shape American cultural spheres and marketplaces. Moreover, because of the scale of China’s labor force, and the artificially low wages and other anti-labor practices enforced by tyranny, China has, through unfair competition, devastated America’s manufacturing sector. The one-percenters in China and the United States who made the deals with each other have reaped the great benefits—now there are unprecedented numbers of billionaires in both countries. It is not just the Chinese workers who are being robbed by the artificially depressed wages, the American workers are also being deprived of good paying jobs to support their families. Moreover, many Americans are being ravaged by an opiate and prescription drug epidemic, with many of these drugs imported from China and other foreign places. Many of America’s small towns, once the bulwark and mainstay of American democracy, now lie forlorn and distressed across the continental landscape. The assertions by some experts that trade didn’t cause the loss of jobs don’t comfort or convince those who can’t find work near their homes, but only leads them to distrust the experts. Cheaper goods are no consolation to them either when they have low or no wages.
So this “grand bargain” made by the elites, which was implicit since Henry Kissinger’s secret mission to the PRC in 1971, and made explicit by James Woolsey during the 2016 presidential election campaign in an op-ed in the South China Morning Post—that the United States would accept China’s rise as long as it doesn’t challenge the status quo—was never much more than a daydream, and has already become untenable.
Those who oppose this misguided approach to China, the so called “dragon slayers,” see confrontation with the PRC as unavoidable. They are correct. Moreover, nearly half a century of appeasement not only has increased the difficulty and enlarged the area of confrontation, but because of China's rapid military modernization, which was made possible by opening the vast American market to the PRC, the level of violence of such a confrontation will now be far higher.
The sad truth is, not bothering to know enough about China’s language, culture and politics, the United States has been consistently outsmarted by the Chinese communists since the 1940s. For many years, it didn’t matter—because the United States was far superior in so many ways. This is no longer the case, because, with unwitting help from the United States, the PRC has been catching up fast.
The furious reactions to then President-elect Donald Trump’s phone call with Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen has laid bare the fact that Taiwan is a small state sandwiched between two giant states, one of them implacably hostile.
The question must be asked, why is the PRC so implacably hostile?
A) It is because Taiwan points to an alternative model for China. Even when the Republic of China was a milder form of tyranny, the PRC was unable to abide Taiwan’s existence; but by evolving into a successful democracy admired around the world, Taiwan has become an existential threat to the PRC regime. Taiwan is an independent state, and it has the informal backing of the United States; hence, eliminating Taiwan is not as simple as eliminating internal opponents. China has to resort to war. The CCP has already effectively exterminated its internal opposition, both within and outside of the Party; and has penetrated many overseas opposition groups. Without feasible alternatives, or any viable opposition, the CCP can resist political reform and continue to control China for a very long time.
B) It is also hostile because of the way CCP’s power is structured, and the extremely cruel way it is employed, which boils down to “you must be killed for me to live.” (你死我活.) No negotiation, no promise, assurance, inducement or compromise could change the structure of power of the CCP, and the mentality that goes with it.
However, the problems Taiwan has with the other giant state are no less daunting.
The panda huggers have demonstrated time and again their willingness to sacrifice Taiwan. Kissinger offered up Taiwan in his first meeting with Zhou Enlai without prompting, demands or negotiations. Jimmy Carter and Zbigniew Brzezinski actually delivered, necessitating the Taiwan Relations Act as a corrective. Sacrificing Taiwan, a successful democracy with twenty-four million people, a population slightly larger than Australia’s, will certainly make the PRC stronger, but it won’t make the United States better or safer. Do the panda huggers not fully comprehend that the United States is a democracy? In their eagerness to embrace tyranny, they have not considered enough of the more likely eventuality that democracy cannot change the nature of tyranny by abetting tyranny; but doing so would, in fact, endanger all democracies, including the United States. The panda huggers have violated both parts of the first principle of the Art of War —they failed to know enough about one’s own self, and also one’s opponent.
The dragon slayers are willing to fight the PRC over Taiwan, probably on Taiwan. Taiwan, as a small state, may not survive a military confrontation between two giants. Even if Taiwan were to survive, it would have sacrificed at least one generation of Taiwanese, and suffered such devastation that it would take decades to recover, if ever.  The American people do not have much appetite for war. No sane people do. The costs of another war in Asia to the United States, both in lives and resources, could be monumental. Since wars are always such crapshoots, it may even cause the United States to fall from the position of preeminent power in the world.
In short, both these approaches the United States has towards the PRC are deficient and inadequate, and involve sacrificing Taiwan one way or another; but that was all the policy options the United States had on the table, and now it is not enough.
The election of President Donald Trump has been painted by many as a revolt against the elite. Chinese people have a very long history of rebellion, but tyranny has never allowed them to rebel in a peaceful manner, as it can happen in a democracy. A China policy that abets the CCP elite in their oppression of the Chinese people cannot be wise, and won’t be forgotten. It is time to devise a new China policy that is not just good for the elites, but good for the peoples of the United States, China and Taiwan.
Dimon Liu was one of the originators and the organizer of the annual People’s Liberation Army Conference at Staunton Hill, Virginia from 1990 to 1998. Her writings on human rights, the rule of law, democracy and military strategy have appeared in many publications, including the Asian Wall Street Journal, Newsday and the Hong Kong Economic Journal.  She has written for the Department of Defense, and is the co-editor of the 1996 book, China’s Military Modernization.

1 則留言:

  1. 他和國會不合,politically isolated. 還好他不是黨主席。

