
2017年4月4日 星期二





想像你走進去一家超市或 7/11,看到機器人正在整理架上貨品,櫃檯也只有一個機器人在服務,整個付款,找錢,全部自動機械化。


若市面上大量發生這種效應,那麼這家超市或 7/11的銷售量當然也直接受到衝擊而降低了。那時自然人工勞力費用或可以免除,成本概念或需要重新制定,但對整個經濟循環,生活水準真的提高了嗎?

然而,再怎麼的科技發展,若不能讓生產力展現越來越短的工時,生活休閒時間越來越多,自由創新的工作越來越多,可以儲存的量鬆錢(liong-siong)越來越多,平均年壽越來越高,健康指數越來越強,只有能這樣反應到真正的生活,這才就做科技進展對文明的貢獻。也只有這樣,經濟發展才真正有意義! 否則再多的火箭射到火星也對民眾日常生活根本無關痛癢,有鳥用?要不然,連最基本的市場功能恐怕都難以維持。

亞馬遜試驗30週工時制  Amazon Tests 30-Hour Work Week
David Z. Morris Aug 28, 2016
但這不僅僅是一家公司的文化。 30個小時以內的工作週的想法也涉及技術和就業方面的幾個大型問題。越來越多的聲音認為,自動化正在降低經濟中的總體勞動力需求,這種趨勢只會增加。有些人認為一個30小時的工作周是為了更均勻地分配勞動力勞動力的平均分配方式,減少自動化增加收入差距的潛力。
墨西哥大選卡洛斯·斯利姆(Carlos Slim)進一步發言,認為減少工作週將增加創新成果,並通過老化模式轉變更好。
亞馬遜告訴郵報,它沒有計劃在全公司範圍內改變其工作週,但其計劃可能鼓勵其他公司提供類似的東西。它也可以對婦女的就業和職業生涯產生積極的影響,使工作與家庭和兒童保育義務平衡更容易 - 因為在異性戀婚姻中的男人往往沒有在這方面分享自己的份額

Amazon Tests 30-Hour Work Week
David Z. Morris Aug 28, 2016
The Washington Post reports that Amazon is launching technical teams whose workers will only clock in for 30 hours a week. While plenty of employees at Amazon are part-time, the novelty here is that the teams are entirely made up of workers on a reduced schedule, including managers. The teams’ members will receive the same benefits as full-time employees, and 75% of a 40-hour workers’ pay.
The stated goal of the program is “to create a work environment that is tailored to a reduced schedule and still fosters success and career growth.” The initiative was accompanied by an event last week titled Reinventing the Work-Life Ratio for Tech Talent.
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That reference to work-life balance highlights the possibility that that the testing of a lower-intensity schedule comes partly in answer to a damaging 2015New York Times investigation into Amazon’s work culture. That report depicted the company as a challenging, even merciless place to work.
But this is about more than just one company's culture. The idea of a work week of 30 hours or less also speaks to several large-scale issues around technology and employment. More and more voices are arguing that automation is lowering overall labor demand in the economy, a trend that will only increase. A 30 hour work week is seen by some as a way to more evenly distribute the shrinking pool of labor among workers, and reduce the potential of automation to increase income inequality.
Mexican magnate Carlos Slim has gone further, arguing that a reduced work week will increase innovation, and mesh better with shifts in aging patterns.
Amazon told the Post that it has no plans to change its work-week on a companywide basis, but its program could encourage other companies to offer something similar. It could also have a positive effect on womens' employment and careers by making it easier to balance work with home and childcare obligations—since men in heterosexual marriages still often aren't doing their share on that front.

3 則留言:

  1. An easy life may hurt people more than a tough one due to corrupting their will.

  2. http://www.bbc.com/news/business-25034598

    1. 那是2013 英國對Amazon 狠踢一腳之報導。雖然同時期還有一些員工對Amazon雇主的惡評,但這些Amazon對員工待遇與管理的輿論都起伏不定。然而一項事實就是,Amazon 的工時絕對沒有強迫加班或加班無工資可領的現象。相反的,Amazon一直與時俱進地讓科技伴隨著他們的管理策略調整。30週工時就是一項很進步的試驗。


      既然Amazon 所賺的錢不是勞力,因為幾乎一切勞力皆可以被機器取代,且更有效率,那麼從成本方面的取向,降低勞力時間是絕對理性的管理決策啦!

