
2016年12月4日 星期日

37年首見 川普(白宮)<- - > 小英 (台灣)通話了

(Ajin 開口)



我們正在密切注視局勢,他告訴基辛格,他策劃中美國家元首為理查德·尼克松總統的國務卿。 現在是一個轉型期。
白宮國家安全委員會前亞洲董事Evan Medeiros表示,中國領導層將把這看作是一個具有歷史意義的高度挑釁性行動
白宮國家安全委員會前亞洲主任Evan Medeiros
無論是故意的還是偶然的,這個電話將從根本上改變中國對特朗普的戰略意圖的消極的看法,他補充說。 通過這種舉動,特朗普正在為美中關係建立持久的不信任和戰略競爭的基礎。

台美斷交以來第一次 川普證實與小英通話
2016-12-03  07:24

報導指出,目前還尚未清楚川普交接團隊是否將此對話定位為對台政策變化的訊號,但很可能觸怒中國,因為他們將台灣視為叛離的一省。美國白宮國安會前亞洲事務資深主任麥艾文(Evan Medeiros)分析,中國領導將視兩人通話為高度挑釁。無論是蓄意或意外,這通電話會讓中國對川普政策的看法轉為負面。

Donald Trump risks China rift with Taiwan call
First US-Taiwanese presidential contact since diplomatic relations were cut in 1979
Donald Trump risks opening up a major diplomatic dispute with China before he has even been inaugurated after speaking on the telephone on Friday with Tsai Ing-wen, the president of Taiwan.
The call, confirmed by four people, is believed to be the first between a US president or president-elect and a leader of Taiwan since diplomatic relations between the two were cut in 1979.
Although it is not clear if the Trumptransition team intended the conversation to signal a broader change in US policy towards Taiwan, the call is likely to infuriate Beijing which regards the island as a renegade province. 
The US has adopted the so-called One China policy since 1972 after the Nixon-Mao meetings and in 1978 President Jimmy Carter formally recognised Beijing as the sole government of China, with the US embassy closing in Taipei the year after. 
The Trump team did not initially respond to multiple requests for comment but, after the Financial Times first published news of the call, confirmed that the president-elect had spoken with Ms Tsai and noted the close economic, political, and security ties between Taiwan and the United States. 
A US official said that the Trump transition team did not inform the Obama administration in advance of making the call.
There was no immediate reaction from the Chinese government.
In a Friday meeting with Henry Kissinger in Beijing before Mr Trump spoke to Ms Tsai, President Xi Jinping said that Sino-US relations stood at a critical juncture.
We are watching the situation very closely, he told Mr Kissinger, who masterminded the Sino-US détente as President Richard Nixons Secretary of State. Now is a period of transition.
Shi Yinhong, an international relations professor at Renmin University in Beijing, said Mr Trump was sending a "very clear message. The US president elect hates China and will encourage Tsai to resist pressure from the mainland, he said.
Evan Medeiros, a former Asia director at the White House national security council who now heads Asia research at Eurasia Group, said the Chinese leadership will see this as a highly provocative action, of historic proportions.
The Chinese leadership will see this as a highly provocative action, of historic proportions
Evan Medeiros, ex-Asia director at White House national security council
Regardless if it was deliberate or accidental, this phone call will fundamentally change Chinas perceptions of Trumps strategic intentions for the negative, he added. With this kind of move, Trump is setting a foundation of enduring mistrust and strategic competition for US-China relations.” 
Douglas Paal, who as head of the American Institute in Taiwan from 2002 to 2006 was the de facto US ambassador, said that he was not aware of any such telephone calls between US and Taiwanese presidents since 1979. 
He said that the call was probably designed to quash speculation in Taipei that a Trump administration would make further concessions on the status of Taiwan to China as it attempts to redefine US relations with Beijing. 
There is no indication so far that a Trump administration would change US policy towards Taiwan, said Mr Paal, who also held senior positions in the Reagan and George HW Bush White Houses.
Ned Price, the White House National Security Council spokesman, said on Friday evening there was no change to our longstanding policy on cross-Strait issues.
We remain firmly committed to our one China policy based on the three Joint Communiques and the Taiwan Relations Act, said Mr Price. Our fundamental interest is in peaceful and stable cross-Strait relations.
Dennis Wilder, former top White House Asia adviser during the George W Bush administration, said: It would be a mistake for Beijing and others to over-interpret the meaning of a phone call between president-elect Trump and the president of Taiwan.
Related article
Beijing abhors unpredictability. With Trump it has strategic unpredictability at scale
He said that Mr Trump was not steeped in the diplomatic history of US-China relations and probably has not been briefed by the Department of State on the US-China understandings on our unofficial ties to Taiwan. He added: We are in uncharted territory with Trump foreign policy, and nations should give him some latitude as he forms his foreign policy team.
The call with Ms Tsai is not the first controversy that Mr Trump has courted with his conversations with world leaders since the election. 
The Philippines government said on Friday that Mr Trump had invited the countrys president, Rodrigo Duterte, to visit the White House next year during a call between the two men. 
Since taking office earlier this year, Mr Duterte has threatened to tear up major parts of the military alliance with the US, and a meeting with Barack Obama at a summit earlier this year was cancelled after he called the American president a son of a whore. The Trump transition team confirmed the call on Friday evening but made no mention of an invitation to Washington. 
In a readout provided by the Pakistani government of a call between Mr Trump and prime minister Nawaz Sharif, the president-elect called the country amazing and fantastic and appeared to suggest that he might visit Pakistan, remarks which caused consternation in some quarters in India. 
The state department said that it had not helped organise the Philippines or Pakistan calls and had not provided any advice ahead of the conversations. 
Additional reporting by Tom Mitchell in Beijing

6 則留言:

  1. 宣傳性質很高,不過中國就是怕這種聲音,才會一直想辦法滅掉有幫助到台灣發聲的音量

  2. 東亞這一塊大致上是穩住了,又因為A目前最唱秋的挑戰者都在東亞(C,NK,甚至也可算上R),所以穩住東亞也就穩住世界霸權!這陣子的不確定性真是讓人嚇出一身冷汗!近來大批擔憂國際權力均勢崩潰的國關學者大概比較可以睡個好覺了!川普背後想必有一批精於Realpolitik和地緣政治的策士。

    1. 北京這陣子的領導群是第四代,算咬銀湯匙長大的黨子,所以策略上,身段柔軟度,遠比不上第一代的靈巧與機伶。所以習董還會向老季哭訴。老季那時直接是和周恩來,毛澤東在喬事情的,習董根本還是毛伙子而已。



  3. Donald J. Trump: "Interesting how the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars of military equipment but I should not accept a congratulatory call."

    copy by PJ

  4. 台灣觀光局還不快動起來
    被川普這樣一搞 , 有多少原本不清楚台灣的美國人 甚至全世界各國
    都會開始Google 台灣相關資訊 開始發現 台灣景點 ACER ASUS MSI...
    這是商機 , 及台灣國際曝光大機會

  5. 根據「生我者猴死我鵰」的預言,我原本認為蔡英文將是結束中華民國體制,建立臺灣新國家的領導人。可是大凡建國者,都有一種兇厲的「破壞氣息」,蔡英文完全缺乏這一點……直到川普在網上發表與臺灣總統通話的訊息之後,我覺得也許臺灣建國近在咫尺了,因為川普什麼事都有可能做得出來。

