
2015年4月10日 星期五

民進黨的一中政策?DPP’s ‘one China’ policy?

民進黨的一中政策?DPPs one China policy?  [:Taipei Times]

[謝鎮寬]2015-04-09 16:04:04上傳






然而,一個有關中國的問題被提出:目前有三個熟知名的「一中」政策 - 1)中國說,世上只有一個中國,中華人民共和國是唯一的合法政府,台灣是中國的一部分; 2ROC說,世上只有一個中國,中華民國是唯一的合法政府,台灣是中國的一部分; 3)美國也說,世上只有一個中國,中華人民共和國是唯一被承認的政府,但台灣不是中國的一部分,那請問民進黨的一中政策是什麼?













Fri, Apr 10, 2015 - Page 8

DPP’s ‘one China’ policy?

On Friday last week, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Secretary-General Joseph Wu (吳釗燮) stopped over in San Francisco and had a dinner meeting with the San Francisco Bay Area Taiwanese community. He shared with the audience stories from his routine business trip to Washington as an official representative of the party.
He said that as a representative, he is supposed to stay in Washington consistently, but with his position as secretary-general, he can only visit about once every two months or whenever it is necessary.
He said it was a productive trip to meet people and exchange messages.
He said the DPP has plenty of China policies, but none of them are the so-called “1992 consensus.”
A question about China was raised: There are three known “one China” policies: First, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) says there is only “one China,” it is the sole recognized government and Taiwan is part of China; second, the Republic of China (ROC) says there is only “one China,” it is the sole recognized government and Taiwan is part of China; third, the US says there is only “one China,” the PRC is the sole recognized government and Taiwan is not part of China. What is the DPP’s “one China” policy?
Wu teased the questioner saying that there is one more policy: From Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲), who said: There is only “one China” and it should be added — one too many.
The DPP does not care how many Chinas there are, but believes Taiwanese sovereignty is owned by its people and the nation is already independent.
So it was puzzling for those in the audience who have studied the San Francisco Peace Treaty why Wu brought up Ko’s “one China” policy. Obviously Wu or the DPP has a better way to interpret the “status quo.” Maybe he is right and there are thousands of “one China” policies. However, as a potential governing party, the DPP needs to announce its policy and define the “status quo.”
Ko provides a constructive view of the “one China” policy. When asked about the “one country, two systems” idea, he said: Why not “two counties, one system?” Of course, the system he meant was the universal value of democracy.
When he was asked about the “one China” policy, he said it is not an issue because there is only “one China” recognized by the international community.
The “one China” policy has been repeated since the Shanghai Communique was signed and respected by the US Department of State as the firm foreign policy with which to deal with China. It specifies that all Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait agree that there is only “one China,” which has been agreed to and accepted by both the ROC and the PRC, because they are Chinese. Wu is Taiwanese, so why does he oppose it?
As Taiwanese, we should be more than happy to see the two nations shaking hands and forgetting past betrayals and thoughts of revenge with a laugh.
It has been more than half a century since the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) was kicked out by the Chinese Communist Party and fled to Taiwan in 1949. It is time for the ROC to go home to China and leave Taiwan alone. The ROC never owned Taiwanese sovereignty and all ROC adherents should appreciate the hospitality they have been shown all the years of their long stay in the nation.
“Worship a tree while eating its fruit, worship farms while eating rice. We need to remember the source when drinking water.”
Those in Taiwan who identify as Chinese, please have a heart and leave the nation alone.
Wu does not have the right or any need to carry the cross of civil war for China. Taiwan is not part of China. The ROC is Chinese who escaped to Taiwan as refugees in 1949 because they were defeated, but now Chinese on both sides are like brothers; it is time for them to have a reunion. Taiwan is not Chinese territory, it belongs to Taiwanese.
What is the bottom line in the DPP’s cross-strait negotiations? The KMT is a political party of China, not Taiwan, that is why it always hides behind the fabricated “1992 consensus.” Unless the DPP is also a political party of China, it should stop deceiving itself.
Taiwan is not the ROC, and the ROC is not Taiwan. It is time to endorse the US’ “one China” policy under the Three Joint Communiques (for the ROC and the PRC) and the Taiwan Relations Act (for Taiwan and the US). There is only “one China” and Taiwan is not part of it.
John Hsieh
Hayward, California

8 則留言:

  1. 妖棋士:

    整篇文章 的結語 感覺就像是一句廢話

    但悲哀且吊詭的是 台灣戰後 被國民黨 及其難民佔據

    以至於 簡簡單單的事實 居然卻看不清楚 變成一群白痴...
    所以需要有人 一直出來說廢話...將錯誤觀念導正...

  2. 美國說過台灣不是中國的一部分麽?



    1. 美國何時何地何文件說台灣是中國的一部份?建交公報有說承認(recognize)台灣是中國一部分嗎?又美國憑啥有資格這樣說?你可以再度查看英文原文?請不要又來論那個字眼 "acknowledge" 了。把 "acknowledge" 譯作承認,那是一廂情願。



  3. 別再自欺欺人的摳字眼了,你看看美國佬是翻譯成“承認”還是“認知”?實際上,中美公報的英文版和中文版都是雙方認可的,根本不可能會有不同解釋。


    1. 這樣說,美國也可以與四川定個四川關係法囉!
      We acknowledge that the Moon is a part of China. 保證!



    2. The Government of the United States of America acknowledges the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China.

      美方acknowledge的是the Chinese position ,也就是「中國所持的立場」,此一〝position 〞不過中國自說自話而已,不過是指「中國所持的『立場』我美國政府聽到了」,如此而已。

  4. 聯合國秘書長潘基文把臺灣當做中國一省發文,結果被美國,歐洲國家打槍,甚至ㄧ向不敢碰觸臺灣問題的日本政府也出來糾正。就表示聯合國對於臺灣問題尚未定論。ㄧ個中國原則並未包含臺灣是中國的一部分。所以我承認中國只有一個,中華人民共和國政府代表中國。但是臺灣和澎湖群島尚未成爲中國領土,也非中國不可分割的固有領土。還有解決臺灣問題只能用和平方式解決,不可訴諸武力。這就是我身為臺灣人民和聯合國目前的共識。

    1. 其實都只是一個 主權意志的問題而已. 有了主權意志, 具威赫性的防衛措施與軍事力量就會出來. 至於如何與中國周旋又是另一回事了.

